Timeline of the kings and queens of England.
/The coat of arms of Henry V created by our granddaughter, Jasmine
William I (William the Conqueror) Dec 1066-Sept 1087
William II (William Rufus) Sept 1087-Aug 1100
Henry I Aug 1100-Dec 1135) (his only legitimate male heir, William, drowned and so Henry planned for his daughter, Matilda to succeed him)
Stephen I (Stephen of Blois, Henry’s nephew) Dec 1135-Oct 1154)This was the time of the Great Anarchy with rival claimant Empress Matilda daughter of Edward I. Civil war raged in England for nearly 20 years.
Henry II Dec 1154-July 1189 (The murder of Archbishop Thomas Becket took place under Henry II in 1170)
Richard I (Richard the Lionheart) Sept 1189-April 1199
John I (John Lackland) May 1199-Oct 1216 (legend of Robin Hood and evil King John took place)
Henry III Oct 1216-Nov 1272
Edward I (Edward Longshanks) Nov 1272-July 1307
Edward II July 1307-Jan 1327
Edward III Jan 1327-June 1377 (Began the Hundred Years’ War)
Richard II June 1377-Sept 1399 (Overthrown by Henry Bolingbroke)
THE HOUSE OF LANCASTER (symbol, the red rose)
Henry IV (Henry Bolingbroke) Sept 1399-March 1413
1400 1455-85, The Wars of The Roses
Henry V March 1413-March 1461 (won the Battle of Agincourt in 1415)
Henry VI of Lancaster Sept 1422-March 1461 (Overthrown by Edward of York)
THE HOUSE OF YORK (symbol the white rose)
Edward IV of York March 1461-Oct 1470
Henry VI (regained throne)Oct 1470-April 1471 (Overthrown by Edward of York)
Edward IV of Lancaster April 1471 -April 1483
Prince Edward V never crowned (of Princes in the Tower fame)
Richard III June 1483-Aug 1485 (Shakespeare depicted him as an evil hunchback who killed the Princes in the Tower. His skeleton was recently discovered buried under a car park in Leicester!
The House of Tudor (symbol, the Tudor Rose, combination of red and white)
Henry VII (Defeated Richard III in Battle of Bosworth) Aug 1485-April 1509
Henry VIII (Of 6 wives fame) April 1509-Jan 1547 (broke with Rome and the Roman Catholic church, created The Church of England)
Edward VI Jan 1547-July 1553
Lady Jane Grey (made successor by Edward but only queen for 9 days and then beheaded for treason, she was only 16)
Mary I (Bloody Mary) July 1553-Nov 1558, (supposedly co-reigned with King Philip of Spain) (Returned England to the Catholic faith)
Elizabeth I Nov 1558-March 1603 (not married and so no children) (Defeat of Spanish Armada 1588)
House of Stuart
James I (James VI of Scotland ) March 1603-March 1625
Charles I March 1625-Jan 1649 (head chopped off) (1642-51 English Civil War, Parliament (Roundheads V King Charles I (Cavaliers)
Interregnum (Non monarchy ie No kings or queens)
Oliver Cromwell (Lord Protector) Dec 1653-Sept 1658 (Parliament’s hero of the English Civil War)
Richard Cromwell (Oliver’s son)Sept 1658-May 1659 (resigned)
The House of Stuart (Restoration of the monarchy )
Charles II May 1660-Feb 1685
James II Feb 1685-Dec 1688 (Overthrown in the “Glorious Revolution)
Mary II (daughter if James II) Feb 1689-Dec 1694 with husband William III (William of Orange) Feb 1689-March 1702
Anne March 1702-May 1714 (Act of Union 1707 resulting in merger of England and Scotland ie Great Britain) (No surviving heir)
House of Hanover
George I Aug 1714-June 1727
(Great grandson of King James I. George was a protestant and favoured over several potential Catholic heirs who had stronger claims but ruled out because of their faith. His claim was via a female line which is always regarded as weak. His mother Princess Sophia, was the daughter of Princess Elizabeth, the daughter of King James I. George could not speak a word of English, communicating with his prime minister in Latin!))
George II June 1727-Oct 1760
George III Oct 1760-Jan 1820 (American War of Independence 1765-83, suffered from mental illness)
George IV Jan 1820-June 1830
William IV June 1830-June 1837
Victoria June 1837-Jan 1901 ( later gained the title of Empress of India)
1900 Houses of Saxe-Coburg Gotha 1901-1917 and Windsor from 1917
Edward VII Jan 1901-May 1910
George V May 1910-Jan 1936 (World War One, change of name Windsor)
Edward VIII Jan 1936-Dec 1936 (Abdicated after wanting to marry a divorced woman, Wallace Simpson. Never crowned)
George VI Dec 1936-Feb 1952 (World War Two)
Elizabeth II Feb 1952- the present
A day’s wandering around this area of Coventry will present you with hundreds of years of history to discover. You will be able to visit the ruins of the 14th and 15th century church of St Michael that became a cathedral in 1918 as well as the new one next door.. About 160 metres away or a two minute walk, is Holy Trinity church with its amazing Medieval “Doom Painting” which some people believe is the best one in Britain. One minute away, is the wonderful and free Herbert Art Gallery and Museum.