Lincoln Cathedral, an awesome gothic building with loads of treasures to discover inside.

Construction of this magnificent cathedral you see above began in 1192, with its stunning rib vaulting as well as pointed arches and beautiful stained glass windows. To contrast with this, the amazing chapter house has fan vaulting and, coincidentally, was where some scenes of the film, the De Vinci Code were shot. Look closely and you will find beautifully carved misericords and if you are eagle eyed you will find some “Green Men” as well as a little creature known as the “Imp”. In the nave at the opposite end to the entrance is the tomb for the entrails of Queen Eleanor of Castile, wife of King Edward I. (her heart was buried in Blackfriars in Lincoln and the rest of her body, in Westminster Abbey). In the choir area, is the tomb of Katherine Swynford, the mistress and third wife of John of Gaunt whose family line ended with Henry VII claiming the throne in 1485.

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